
ディズニーのプリンセスがラップ?!チーム白雪姫(白雪姫、ラプンツェル、シンデレラ) VS チームエルサ(エルサ、ティアナ、メリダ)の白熱ラップバトルがネットで話題を呼んでいる。

Who the hell are you to step to me?
An aimless airhead with a vitamin D deficiency
You got no skills ‘cuz you’re focused on your looks
And let’s get to what was up with you and those seven shnooks (Hi, ho!)
I’ve heard you sing – it’s a high-pitched chirp
You’re dopey. SNOW: You’re grumpy. ELSA: You’re a bashful twerp.
That squeaky, meek demeanor is an awful choice
I can drown you out right now with my powerful voice
